Herbal medicine was once termed “primitive” by western medicine, but through scientific research, there is a better understanding of its therapeutic activities such that, many pharmaceuticals have been modelled on phytochemicals derived from it.
How safe is African traditional medicine?
So long as they are not taken in combination with other medicines or not taken in high doses.
Are African traditional medicine researched?
Our Herbal medicines are adequately researched, and regulated.
How can I use African herbal medicine safely?
Use the prescribed dosage only. Never take more than the advised dosage. Find out if there are any underlying health conditions, certain medicine interactions, or other factors.
Does African herbal medicine cause allergies?
Some herbs may cause allergic reactions or interact with conventional drugs, and some are toxic if used improperly or at high doses. Taking herbs on your own increases your risk, so it is important to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking herbal medicines.
What is the Advantage of African herbal medicine?
African herbal medicine is “holistic”. It addresses issues of the soul, spirit, and body. It is cheap and easily accessible to most people, especially the rural population. It is also considered to be a lot safer than orthodox medicine, being natural in origin.
What is the relationship between Traditional African medicine and Western medicine?
Plants have been the primary source of most medicines in the world, and they still continue to provide mankind with new remedies. Natural products and their derivatives represent more than 50% of all drugs in clinical use, of which higher plants contribute more than 25%. These are no doubt more important in developing countries but quite relevant in industrialized world in the sense that pharmaceutical industries have come to consider them as a source or lead in the chemical synthesis of modern pharmaceuticals